If you don't already know me, please call me Birch!I'm socially guarded, despite loving to meet new people, so please don't take it personally if I'm withdrawn or suddenly don't socialize as much as you expect me to.I'm an artist that mostly draws emotional pieces and mine and my friends' own characters, be they part of a tabletop game, our own headworlds, or something else entirely. I'm most comfortable with anthro/furry characters, but I can draw various humanoids, monsters, creatures, and even robot characters if they aren't too complicated.I mentioned tabletop, which is something I often talk about a lot. Since, apparently, this has needed to be said multiple times: Please don't invite me to your games, and please don't ask to join the games I'm already in. I'm usually full on the amount of games I can handle, and the group I play with is a closed group of very close friends who aren't comfortable with outsiders.I also love to take casual walks through nature, swim in rivers, and exploring art museums. Contemporary/indie artists are my favourite to see exhibits of.
This has been such a huge problem for people to understand. I am not going to be a good friend for you if you need consistent contact and attention. Period.
This doesn't mean that I am mean, I actually really like chatting with and meeting new people! More likely than not, however, I'm probably just going to be a fleeting interaction for you. And that's okay! If it's not okay, don't talk to me, because I'm tired of people hurting me because I can't be what they want me to be!I express myself how I want to.
This includes putting tits on nonbinary characters/depictions of myself just because I think tits are nice. How I choose to express myself and interact with gender, and how I choose to be happy in my own body, is not your fucking problem and if you think is, kindly fuck off. I have no tolerance for it.I don't engage in discourse of any kind.
If something you post/engage with makes me uncomfortable, I will quietly disengage and move on.
You should do the same. If you can't, just stay away from me, and maybe get some hobbies that don't involve sitting in front of a screen.I'm an adult in my 30s. I don't want to be around youngin's.
Even if I don't post explicit porn somewhere, none of my spaces are minor-safe. I'm a crude person that often makes crass, adult jokes and while I do generally behave myself in public, I refuse to censor myself in my own spaces or around friends. I also just plain don't want people who still have "teen" in their age around me, and honestly, people in their early twenties, too.I do not enjoy playful rudeness/insults/teasing.
My close, trusted friends are allowed to toss harmless, playful teasing my way, but that's it. Otherwise I just get my feelings hurt, and that's not fun.Becoming my friend doesn't mean you get free art.
There have been multiple cases of people only wanting to get close to me for my art, or whatever else of "value" they think I have, or even getting upset and throwing guilt-trips in hopes of getting free art/whatever from me. If I draw something for someone as a gift, it's always out of the kindness of my heart, not due to being asked or because I expect anything in return. It's extremely hurtful and obvious when people just want art out of me, and I will go out of my way to avoid people who do this.Just because I am friends with one of your friends, doesn't mean we have to be friends.
There are plenty of people my friends are friends with who I don't hang around or try to get close to, even if we run in the same circles. That's fine. If you think 1) everyone in a social circle should be besties or 2) you should chase out someone from a social circle just because you personally don't vibe with them, please just don't bother with me. I'm tired.
If you want to commission me, you may do so through my commission form.
Please make sure you read my TOS thoroughly.I only accept commissions through my form.
If you try to commission me through other means, it will be ignored.